Blogs – tagged "Aromatic Bitters" – Page 3 – Bablouie and Co

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  • Bab Louie & Co.- The Bitters Trend Setter In India

    Bab Louie & Co.- The Bitters Trend Setter In India

      Bab Louie & Co. being India's First Crafted Bitters . Bab Louie is on a mission  " Aiming to preserve the legacy of India Herbs , Spices & Culture " Did you just say bitters? Looking forward to buying some? Well, Bab Louie & Co. is for sure the absolute choice. Some of you must be wondering why Bab Louie & Co. ,...
  • The Best Bitters Brands in India right now

    The Best Bitters Brands in India right now

    Have you ever wondered what makes a drink so appealing and yet so well-balanced? Bitters are what spices are to food in terms of drinks. Bitters, to put it simply, are a highly concentrated, flavorful spirit.  They're prepared by macerating or infusing a variety of fruits, herbs, and spices in high-proof alcohol. Bitters are used as an aromatic flavoring component in drinks and have...
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